創作計劃 Projects 2016-





    一夕餘地 Land of Longing and Exile 2019





2017年年底,在贏得「大華銀行年度最佳水墨藝術作品」大獎後,於2018年秋天駐留紐約藝術空間Flux Factory,創作兩月。《一夕餘地》,為是次藝術駐留的回應展覽。

匆匆兩月,旅居於喧鬧的市巷,眼前盡是零散拼圖。面對多元的種族、宗教信仰、價值觀念、性別裝扮與生活習慣,藝術家嘗試從國旗開始理解他方。紅、白、藍為常用之國旗顏色,而美國國旗採用的感覺實在過於「美國」。藝術家着眼於跟亞洲血脈連結的紅及反映美國真象的藍 – 假如這移民國度真的如此多元的話;至於白,整個世界都一直圍着它打轉,沒甚麼好說了。



In late 2017, Chan Sai-lok won the UOB Ink Art of the Year Award and was entitled to a residency programme in the Flux Factory art space in New York for two months in autumn 2018 as part of the prize.  Featuring his new paintings, “Land of Longing and Exile” summarises the artist's response to his New York experience.

Two months flew by. Everything the artist saw was in fragments as he took up temporary residence among alleys of a mixed neighbourhood.  He tried to understand this foreign land in terms of the colours red, white and blue as they appear in the flag of the United States, when he found himself inside a melting pot of ethnic cultures, religious beliefs, gender representation and customs. The Stars and Stripes often give a feeling of being "too American". The artist associates red with Asian ethnicity and blue with reality of life in America-if only this land of dreams is really as diverse as it seems. While no more can be explained about white as it has already been the centre of the world for centuries.

“Land of Longing and Exile” is the beginning of the artist's "Red" series. We are in New York even though our souls are drifting out to somewhere else. It's time to regain our own vision of narrative, though this "we" are not our old selves any more.


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《花旗》Flower Flag




Ellis Island






《愛在紐約(一)》Love in NYC I



《愛在紐約(二)》Love in NYC II




Danny Boy



National Flower