一夕餘地 Land of Longing and Exile 2019












Danny Boy

86 x 35.5cm (2 pieces), 61 x 35.5cm

Acrylic on canvas, ink and acrylic on silk, acrylic board



上世紀八十年代愛滋病大爆發,同志社群慌惶失措。白先勇〈Danny Boy〉及〈Tea for Two〉兩個短篇,寫的都是當時情境。同志在面對華麗生活衰敗與死亡隨時降臨之際,彼此扶持作為人性的救贖。畫中出現的兩間酒吧,分別為Mcgee’sStonewall Inn;文字引錄自該小說中的一首愛爾蘭民謠《Danny Boy》。


The gay community was overwhelmed by fear when AIDS broke out as an epidemic in the 1980s. This is the background of Pai Hsien-yung's short stories "Danny Boy" and "Tea For Two". With their luxurious life at risk and fear of death becoming imminent, members of the gay community could rely on nothing but mutual support, and in doing so they had not only supported each other but humanity. The bars depicted in the paintings are Mcgee’s and Stonewall Inn. Text comes from the eponymous Irish folk song which appears at the ending of "Danny Boy".