創作計劃 Projects 2016-





   The Name Red 2021







經歷過「一夕餘地」(2019)及「Everyday Practice」(2020)個展,於紐約和丹麥駐留,阿三今次邀請三位好友,一起演繹當代的水墨美學,亦是為紅色系列的外章。






After the solo exhibitions Land of Longing and Exile (2019) and Everyday Practice (2020) and residencies in New York and Denmark, Chan now invites three friends of his to interpret contemporary ink aesthetics, as a kind of postscript for the red series.


The curatorial framework appropriates the traditional genres of poetry, calligraphy, painting, seal and object. To Chan Sai-lok, text and literature are materials for creation. Not restricted to readable text, poetry can be purely a sequence of text, alternating rhythms or abstract formations. Fabric and silk are colours with which painting weaves narrative layers like a novel. Chui Pui-chee has a long calligraphy practice. As one entity, man and brush’s movement and momentum construct the essence of his ink practice. The complementary chemical reaction of ink and paper brings calligraphy art to another level. Pau Mo-ching focuses on the original usage of seal carvings as proof of identity and intent, where loyalty and justice manifest themselves within the square inch, symbolising a life lived tacitly. While these three play with the scholarly arts, Lau Hok-shing, on the other hand, occupies himself with antique objects. The miniature mountain compiled in layers on the scholar's desk evokes the mountain within us, while mirroring the scenery on the Cantonese opera stage.


The idea of ‘exhibition’ originated in 17th century Europe, whose focus on cultural heritage determined the design of the exhibition space. Regardless of aesthetic style, history and material characteristics, calligraphy, painting, text, seal and objects all have their own cultural contexts. Their appreciation therefore should constitute a separate discipline. Living in the culturally hybrid and technologically advanced modern city, how do artists open up an aesthetic world that is both traditional and new? How would they arrange the exhibition space to have a dialogue with the audience?



(按圖進入各作品詳情 Click below for more



《案頭》The Desk


《前年的遺物》Things Left Behind



《我的名字叫紅》My Name is Red

