單程票 One Way Ticket 2006-2009










If a lie becomes true after being repeated a hundred times, let me repeat you a hundred times and then forget you. Or let me clone a hundred infatuations and then get tired of them and break free. I heard that if you revisit the past you can eliminate the obsession. So, I enter again as if I was leaving, but I wasn't prepared for the pain of being hurt once again.


I have always believed that tomorrow will be a better day; but I've also heard that to live is to be lonely.






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All That Cannot Be Back


《記憶.將來》Memories and Future


《紅與黑》Red and Black






The Endless Story



《職志》My Destination





Valediction and Rebirth I

Valediction and Rebirth II

Valediction and Rebirth III


Other Than Commitment




《所以美好》Then It's Wonderful

《單程票》One Way Ticket


Sections That Didn't Match





《告別儀式》Ritual of Valediction

《遺物》Things Left Behind

Nothing Can I Do But To Put You Down